Archive for the ‘family portraits’ Category

Cats & Dogs

May 18, 2009

Saturday I had a family photo shoot with the family of one of my former wedding clients.  It was already raining at the time of the shoot, but there was a church nearby with covered areas I figured we could use.  One of the sons is heading to Iraq soon, and I was afraid we wouldn’t have a chance to reschedule, so we decided to go forward with the shoot.  Those of you who were in Austin on Saturday know that what started with rain quickly developed into a crazy downpour with lots of wind and plummeting temperatures.  Although we were out of the direct rain, we all ended up pretty soaked with the wind blowing the rain around!  Lucky for me, these guys were a super fun, relaxed group, so we still had a great time.

At the end, they decided to have some fun with the umbrella, to preserve the memories of this crazy photo shoot.  I love fun-loving clients!



